Making the decision to terminate a pregnancy can lead to many emotions and questions.
Here are three pro-choice resources in Quebec ready to answer your questions about abortion and support you throughout the process.
S.O.S. Grossesse Québec
Toll Free Line
1 877-662-9666
S.O.S. Grossesse estrie
Toll Free Line
1 877-822-1181
Grossesse-secours Montréal
Toll Free Line
1 877-271-0555
Our numbers are all toll free, no matter where you live. Give us a call, we are here to help.

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Ta raison c’est la bonne is an information and awareness campaign on the right and access to abortion lead by the Fédération du Québec pour le planning des naissances (FQPN) and the members of the Comité de veille en avortement du Québec. We wish to thank the MSSS, the Secrétariat à la condition féminine, the Foundation of Greater Montreal, the FIQ, the FTQ, the CSQ, the APTS and the SPGQ for their generous financial support.